USER MANUAL FOR BOMPANI BO 02721 WASHING MACHINE - Washing Machines question. No deliveries on Thanksgiving or Christmas. Next-day service is subject to delivery availability and not available for orders. Local time and be within 30 miles of store location for next-day delivery. Customer must purchase in-stock major appliance and request next-day delivery in store or with a customer care representative (1-87) before 4 p.m. Next-Day Delivery for In-Store Purchases or Purchases Made Through Our Customer Care Call Centers: Next-day delivery may be available on any in-stock major appliance for in-store or customer care call center purchases only. Some items available via Special Order only.
Also not valid on: clearance items AGA, MARVEL, Bosch Benchmark, ICON, Fisher & Paykel, Monogram, SMEG or Liebherr brand appliances (some brands not available in all markets/stores) water heaters room air conditioners previous sales or services.
Up to 30% OFF Appliance Special Values Offer applies to select items only.